Setting Up Raspberry Pi 4 using Macbook
- Download Raspberry Pi Imager software on macbook.
- Plugin memory card in mac and open Pi Imager software.
- Follow instructions and install the latest Raspbian OS on the memory card.
- Create a blank .ssh file and save it in memory card
- Now insert memory card in raspberry pi4
- Plug in ethernet cable in laptop and pi4
- Open terminal and enter following commands
ping raspberry.pi local
ssh raspberry.pi.local
open rasp-config
- Enable VNC from the options
- Now Connect to vnc using Pi4’s ip server address
Troubleshooting steps
If blank screen comes after entering credentials, then go back to rasp config and set graphic setting to highest and boot raspberry and check.
If above step don’t work, then from terminal, login into raspberry and run command ‘startx’ .